oomadam ke beram.....
dishab faghat 4 saat khabidam saate 5 boland shodambadesh emroozam hamash kar kardam ta alan ke 9 hastesh...tamoom shod degeh....yek kam khastam , ama ghol dadam mikham kamel konam matno....
that you are alive,
that you were worth to be in this world,
that you are the one that god has chosen to BE ,to exist,....
you never know how sweet it is to know there is someone always there for u, always there to hear you ,to answer you even though you don't hear it...
so sweet to know that if every thing goes bad...if the worst things happen STILL HE IS BESIDE YOU...better than enyone else in life..... know that he is the one protecting you,knowing that he is the one that grants you ....maybe not in this world but even a better one,,,,,
se sweet to know if you come one step ahead he would come thousands towards you...... yet also so sweet to know there r family, there r friends,people that can understand you,or maybe can't but they r there,even being is enough sometimes....
SO SWEET TO KNOW THAT EVERY THING IS WITH GODS WILL AND WE (taslimim be farmaneh oo ,,,va magar in gheyr az maniyeh eslame? yani hamoon che ziba na?)
so sweet to know you can love and be loved....
so sweet to know you can help poeple and let them to help you aswell... yet no harm to anyone meanwhile....
so sweet to even know there r a lot that u don't know....that u have this desire to serach for it ...look for it... misteriuose things....
so sweet to know you r and will try to be the one you like to......
so lovely to love yourself...and more than that to share it with others?what can be so sweeter?
i like to write on this for ever but freinds are waiting for sweet to know they r always there for u.......even if it comes to the end still nobody can vanish the great memory....isn't this sweet?
+ Posted by COSMICPOWER at 1:07pm
kheyli shirineh kheyyyyyyyyli lezat dare